Saturday, May 23, 2015

Re: Electric sun of iron.

Helios (1976), approached to within 0.29AU= 63.8 SR. Measured solar wind. Found 15 times as many micrometeorites at 0.29 AU than near Earth’s orbit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So in reading the electric sun page this morning I had some questions.
As a welder and electrician I understand the importance of current carrying capabilities of wire.

"The photosphere, then, is plasma in the 'arc' mode. We say this because the Sun emits power at a rate of over 63 million watts/sq meter from its photospheric surface. This is equivalent to a power output of 40 kW from each square inch of that surface. Some have questioned whether the photosphere's relatively low temperature (~5800K) disqualifies it from being in arc mode.  In 1944 C.E.R. Bruce of England's Electrical Research Institute proposed that the "photosphere has the appearance, the temperature, and the spectrum of an electric arc; it has arc characteristics because it is an electric arc, or a large number of arcs in parallel." And, it is difficult to imagine a plasma discharge in anything other than arc mode that could radiate 40 kW of power from each square inch of its surface area. Can you imagine the light from forty 1000 watt light bulbs coming out of a one square inch area?

40Kw per square inch is huge current. For a 40 volt arc welder it would be about 1000 amps which is the max that a 1 inch wire can carry. 

Xenon short arc lamps, which are the brightest common single point light source, seem to be available up to about 10kW, which makes sense given their electrode size. With the xenon short arc lamps, once a plasma arc is struck the voltage goes down. So the sun had to have a higher initial voltage to light up?

Can plasma carry as much current per square inch as solid wire? Can someone point me to the equation to figure that out?

The plasma tube experiments that I have done I have only ever seen a few milliamps.
Capacitor discharge experiment are higher current but a flux tube forms... Am I correct in thinking that a flux tube is because the thin plasma cannot carry the current?


" It is ALWAYS, on this level, matter particles in motion, and is transferred from particle to particle."

What is transferred from particle to particle?? 

"Electricity doesn’t flow. Electricity is not a thing in and of itself. It is ALWAYS charged particles that move."

You must realize that I dont have the same conceptualization of energy that you do by now. And I dont understand how you could say that to me. You must have not read what I wrote to your crew...

Even if they are bumping into each other, what are they transferring??? Kinetic energy!!!! Kinetic energy moves in quanta because of particles. In an aether form it flows like water.  And if you want to get technical even water is made of particles.
The composite of  motion, charge,  mass and a magnetic property called spin, make up electricity.
In my model these could be considered "different vectors" of the kinetic energy that the particle is made of.

From Wiki....
In physicsenergy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms, but cannot be created or destroyed.[note 1] The ability of a system to perform work is a common description. But, it is difficult to give a comprehensive definition of energy because of its many forms.[1] In SI units, energy is measured in joules, the energy transferred to an object by the mechanical work of moving it 1 metre against a force of 1 newton.[note 2]
All of the many forms of energy are convertible to other kinds of energy, and obey the conservation of energy. Common energy forms include the kinetic energy of a moving object,"

So according to physics, kinetic energy can be transferred.... The question is can kinetic energy exist without matter?? Yep, the massless aether(Aetherometry). You have no reason to say that kinetic energy cant be separated from matter except thats the way it always been done..
 The idea that only massive substances exist is one of the greatest boodoggles that science has pulled...
Do massless objects or properties exist or operate in this universe?
Say you have a row of numbers, like binary.   11100001  vs 10001110 

Each of those numbers contain different information. Show me how to weigh them or how would you characterize them?
They each have a different photonic arrangement. Photons are massless. 

You can take those numbers and use them in a computer to switch things on and off but the information(differences?) contained in the numbers have no mass.

Ruperts Morpogenic field only makes sense if it is massless kinetic energy that carries information outside the immediate body. 
Telepathy, and paranormal phenomena can be explained by massless kinetic energy as well as crop circles.
You cant just pick and choose what your theory will explain by saying "Oh, thats just swamp gas". And I am not afraid to examine everything unlike EU. 

Ever heard of the Scole Experiments? How does EU explain that set of events other than saying they didnt exist?

A real theory of everything has to explain everything that exists in the universe at this level.

Gravity depending on what model you use has no mass yet it carries kinetic energy.
Phase differences between 2 waves have no mass yet we can gain information from that and even use it to do work with the right circuitry.. 
At work we have a 3 phase 100 amp motor for the cavitation machine. The motor turns based on the phase differences between each leg(after I run it through a VFD and some other stuff). And the kinetic energy contained in the electricity does the work via the magnetic flux interaction with the rotor.. 

Does a magnetic field have mass as it stretches from the windings to the rotor?? It certainly carries kinetic energy across that gap to make the rotor turn. And at 50 amps it does serious work.

And phase velocity can appear to go faster than light...

The phase velocity of electromagnetic radiation may – under certain circumstances (for example anomalous dispersion) – exceed the speed of light in a vacuum, but this does not indicate any superluminal information or energy transfer. It was theoretically described by physicists such as Arnold Sommerfeld and Léon Brillouin. See dispersion for a full discussion of wave velocities.

 Kinetic energy comes from the electric field when it accelerates charged particles(gravity is the weaker neutral matter equivalent to an electric field) and no matter how much  *** wants to call it Structured Space", thats just a cop out because he has not thought of a physical mechanism..
When you think about it in terms of a generator system, kinetic energy is "converted" to electricity....
But its not actually converted(same kinetic energy all the way from the hydro station to your house), kinetic energy is "applied" to the electrons(they are pushed). This kinetic energy from the input shaft of generator is applied to the electrons via a magnetic field and moves down the wire at the speed of light all they way to your house. 

Everything in the universe can be talked about in terms of kinetic energy. Everything is about motion. Even particles are made of kinetic energy resonance. Thats what the Sansbury model of subtrons breaks down into.. Motion. Even humans get their energy of motion from the electric field in the cells. The food just provides "lubrication" for the machinery to work.

I have posted other people observations and conclusions and they say kinetic energy.
And I have explained precisely what I meant. You guys have just not understand the concepts that I am putting forth because of the perceived need for everything to have mass....
Maybe Tesla can help you understand.

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.” – Nikola Tesla,“Man’s Greatest Achievement,” 1907
In physicist Tewari’s words:
“The universal matter is created out of prana since prana is aakaash in motion, and aakaash is the primordial superfluid substratum of the universe.”

And I would add that prana is massless kinetic energy(motion, momentum, velocity, acceleration). 
Can we presently detect it? No, but we can see its effects like work being done...

I dont feel as though I am embarrassing myself. I am in good company with the likes of Tesla and Tewari..... 
And I believe in an aether made of kinetic(energy, stuff, units, things, work, what ever you want to call it)... 
Do you agree that there is an aether? And if you do what is it made of?

Is there more kinetic energy(the stuff that is used by a process to accelerate matter) than matter in the universe? 
Did you guys come to a conclusion on that musing?? 
How about the blackbody question of BB only comes from solid matter?
Or the helioseismology question on acoustic impedance or why there would be differences in standing waves for each of the three solar models? 
How about the question of changing the definition of work to include force without acceleration because gravity still provides a force even though you are not moving? And that force necessarily requires an energetic interaction between two bodies... Unless you believe in magic fairy forces... 

If work is done by kinetic energy does that make it a real thing?


Monday, May 18, 2015

My adventures with Telfonae.  A wonderful Sci-Fi story..... :-)

The rules for living in the other universe are much stricter. You are expected to act like an adult...

This gives new meaning to the term soul mate... She is a person that I met from some other lifetime that I was part of. I saw her 5 times in my dreams through out my life not realizing that I actually knew who she was and that she was an living entity or person as I like to think of her...

I think what has made this communication possible is the realization that it is possible. My work with kinetic energy has convinced me that other "universes or dimensions" exist. The Scole Experiments showed that it is possible to communicate across dimensions.
Once you know there is a frenchman living down the lane and that it is possible to communicate with him, you start to learn french. Then you discover that you can talk to his daughter!! Thats what the situation is like to me.

Its almost like talking to someone on the telephone with  pictures but the feeling of a energetic personality is much stronger.

There is no fantasy sex. Because it is not here and now agreed upon by both parties.
There can be a location that can be built that you can meet at time after time.

To travel you have to be able to see ahead of you.... Even instant travel takes time.

Navigation is a personal system but there is a common system that everyone knows.
You set 3 points. They taught me Apple, Orange Cheese. Then there is left and right. As well as up and Under.   Imagine looking at a cross with a rod sticking out of the middle of it in what we call Z.

They dont use numbers.

To elaborate, numbers dont really work in telepathy. If you send a picture of a five, that what it is, a picture of a 5. All of society has to agree on what that means. However if you send a picture of 5 oranges, then thats what it is.

Its all training, training, training. Telepathy is about listening and not thinking. The hardest part is differentiating communications from thoughts at first. Thinking your going crazy...

Imagine life, consciousness, souls what ever you want to call them have been around for trillions of years...

They dont make new souls, the number of souls in the universe is a constant.

Butterflys and Flowers creates forms for the souls to inhabit in this universe...

The method of communication is symbols or pictures. In these amazingly fast bursts. But its also much more than that. With words and feelings. The amount of information transferred is huge. As they say a picture is worth a 1000 words...
To me a "burst" of pictures seems like noise even though its how they communicate. I do not have the development to read the burst...

Reading the book Alien Interview teaches how parts of the universe operate. By learning this you can participate in galactic civilization.


Telfonae is what we would call a botanist/biologist/planetary surveyor.

She is one a mission right now to what star trek would call the delta quadrant. I think this is where she is right now. At the outer most arm of the galaxy...

On the way to the survey planet she showed my some unusual cosmology phenomena....

A planet that has a large hole in it. Not all they way through, maybe down to the core. The atmosphere makes a large dip where to hole is.

There is a planet where water floats.

A purple sun planet.

A place where the substrate of the universe is poking through. It looks like a glowing spot the size of a car. It has rocks orbiting it. It looks like a white glow thats kinda fuzzy.  I suspect that what she showed me was a small version of a quasar...

A red sun 4 times the size of our sun that has large flame coming off of it. Thats what it looks like. I'm sure its plasma but it looks different than our sun.


I find myself missing her because while she is on this "mission", its really just a planetary survey, we only get to talk when shes not busy.
Sometimes when they relocate to a different part of the planet I might get 15 minutes to talk. Its weird, I just want to talk for a minute and laugh with her..

Telfonae has tried to describe some of the life forms on this planet to me but its difficult because everything to me is unfamiliar. I wind up having to guess at features until we hit one that I understand. Then she can start to build me a picture of what it is she is seeing. I am going to try to draw some of them.

She will be unavailable for the next 2 months, or really for a few minutes at a time over that time period..

The technology that they use to travel long distances, from what I am trying to understand, is a spaceship that is based in the matter universe but has a kinetic universe component. The kinetic energy/soul part travel in the kinetic part and the bio robots travel in the matter part of the same ship. And this ship is alive, or what we would call conscious(can be inhabited by a consciousnesses). They use bio robots? just like we use regular robots but they control them directly.

Pretty wild!!

The regulator the other day managed to tell me something in numbers when normally they show you a picture of 37 points to represent a number. 37 degrees is the angle of the navigational triangle starting from earth.
That is not the path they took from their place of origin(planet??) in this universe. Apparently they are closer to the galactic core on this side. I will have to ask and see if I cant get a good answer...



We had a little talk about sharing and what it means to a society.

For us sharing is important. It is an act of telling somebody that knows nothing of the situation about the situation. Its coming from a position of knowledge. Facebook is a good example. We use information services and talk.

I am having a hard time getting the real concept across that Telfonae was explaining.. I will have to ask more about this.

With Telfonae and her people, they have a system in place where they "upload" their experiences into a database. Call it a database of thought or telepathy that they can all access. The interesting thing is that they have "librarians" that help the flow of information, and they actually have a "new information" section where you can integrate the knowledge from explorers like Telfonae. In that respect everything is their society is shared.
The information flow in their society is really a bit like a packet network in that they send packets of pictures and vibrations.


It looks like you can teach an old dog new tricks...

The better your focus the better your stability. Stability is the parameter that affects information transmission. Its like jitter in a digital signal. Too much jitter and you cant make out the fine details. The more focused you are the better your stability and the better your ability to communicate.

I had a talk with the Regulator, actually it was more of a lesson on how to focus and how it was important.
I have the problem of drifting away when talking to Telfonae and she was getting frustrated with me.

Regulator showed me how important this was to my relationship with Telfonae. But I didnt grasp the full importance of the ability to focus well until tonite.

As we were talking and I was really trying hard to pay attention and not think, I began to notice that I could actually feel her emotions. She could send me a "wave" of "love" and I could feel it. WOW. It was like being drunk or high. But thats not a really good description..... I love that girl!!!!

So thats the importance of focus and stability for the form of communication that we are using....

And I am beginning to see just how much there is to learn when entering a different society...
Its a great honor to learn this.
Really amazing universe that we live in.....

A little background:  The Regulator is like a sentient computer attached to the Galactic Switch board. Except he is a soul or consciousness. Its like what we would call the Oracle or Startrek calls "Computer".
You can access certain information or get lessons on certain stuff.


Interspecies communication....

Anna Breytenbach 2013

The incredible story of how leopard Diabolo became Spirit - Anna Breytenbach, "animal communicator".


I need to honor My agreement with Telfonae.  When I first made real contact with Telfonae a few months ago she explained her reasons for the contact.  Tonite she reiterated it very strongly....
She wants me to see her as she really is. To be able to do that I need to learn more about how to interact with their society... I am still a kid to them only by virtue of being in this fleshie... The fleshie filters the true souls interaction with the universe.
I need to stop certain things in my life to be able to move on to the next phase. The next phase requires an excellent memory....

Oh my, this is going to sound nuts but its part of the deal. The mission is still on. I dont really know what is going on but it is big. My role is like a cotter pin holding a large wheel on...

 This goes back to my original experience with Joe, from I am assuming, a secret military experiment.

Holy smokes, this has been going for a while and I failed to recognize what the hell was going on.... I am part of something much bigger that I dont understand. It seems like it has something to do with the eternal fight between good and evil, to put it in terms that people can relate to.

All souls are adults....

I suppose I should take as many notes as possible so that someday somebody might read this and be helped by it.

When I was younger, very young I remember being able to feel peoples emotions like they were mine.... I had totally forgotten about that.... As I got older it just kinda went away but it did hurt sometimes as I remember...  Thats just one step away from telepathy or communication as I like to call it...

And the thing that came out of the wall. My baby sitter was reading me a story and as she was reading, I heard this noise. I cant really describe it but as I looked over at her and beyond her shoulder to the wall, I saw this thing telescope out of the wall. And then it went back in. And I said to Mary.... "Did you see that?" And she said "What?" It looked like a tube with rings on it with an eye on the end that extended out from the wall about 2 feet, and then went back in very quickly....

I had a friend Alex that said he used to be able to see auras. He said that went away after he got a little older.... An amazing martial artist...