Thursday, March 19, 2015

Wonderful work Dr. Crothers. I was wondering if you can help me with my understanding. I have developed an understanding based on Pierre- Maries works that is something like this:

The biggest thing I learned from Pierre-Marie's work, which set me off investigating this, is that emission spectra moves from lines to continuum to blackbody depending on the density of the matter.

Put another way - only solid matter has a blackbody spectrum. 
Even liquid does not have a BB spectrum because there is macroscopic movement of molecules.. Its emission spectrum changes with nadir angle.

I have observed sonoluminesence spectrum going from line emission to blackbody depending on driving pressure in world record high pressure resonators. 

Here is a review of our work.
Transient cavitation in high-quality-factor resonators at high static pressures.
1. J Acoust Soc Am. 2010 Jun;127(6):3456-65. doi: 10.1121/1.3377062.

I have had several conversations on high pressure arc spectra in the range several hundred torr(mm) to atmosphere with Dr. Ott at NIST. His main focus was continuum spectra. And he indicated that as pressure grew the spectrum became a continuum.

And as I researched this I began to understand that only solid matter has a blackbody, I dont think you get a blackbody spectrum just from distance through a plasma or gas...

Is this a valid understanding?


Monday, March 16, 2015

When a capacitor is charging you can put a ammeter on the input and on the output and see a current.

Typically that means charged matter particles are moving through the circuit element.

In the case of the capacitor, the energy that makes the particles move through the capacitor is stored separately in the field from the charged particles which are just passing through.
Bill implied that charges dont accumulate in a capacitor. You should be able to weigh a capacitor and see it get heavier as it "fills up" if it stores charges.
But the case is actually different than that in that there have been reported weight losses from charged capacitors...

Here is the interesting thing......

The charges pass through the capacitor being pushed by the energy of motion, and an equivalent amount of energy is stored if the field for when you discharge the capacitor..
 So the amount of energy in play is actually double what the measured current is?

And the field is either a storage place(another layer which I dont like) for kinetic energy(energy that makes the charged particles move - energy of motion) or it IS kinetic energy...

As I said about electricity before, its just a convenient way to transfer kinetic energy - it transfers momentum from a spinning rotor across a gap with a magnetic field, into the windings of the stator to make the electrons move down the wire to your house, from the hydro station to the consumer.

Electricity is just kinetic energy applied to charged particles... Thats it.

I have been testing everything that I can think of in terms of "its all kinetic energy" and so far it all works.
Every kind of field or force or energy can be converted into kinetic energy and analyzed in this fashion so that you have common units.

The capacitor as well stores the energy of motion in it field..  So how does it do that? The field must be structured is some way. And it must be oscillating because of the motion part. And so when you create a path using wire, it releases that energy.

SO how does it know to start discharging if you connect a very long wire to the capacitor?


Friday, March 13, 2015

Is this a lab example of the force that is responsible for the solar wind?

I think I am going to just paste some stuff from the article but I think this all points to a release of kinetic energy in that particular configuration. You could probably model the solar surface just like the ion grid devices....

"5.5 Faraday Cage One further experiment, which was performed, involved placing the entire apparatus (ionic grid and capacitors) inside a Faraday cage thus shielding it from the earth’s electric field. The Faraday cage was made of solid galvanized sheet steel. (The cage was constructed of a magnetic permeable material, therefore the earth’s magnetic field could interact with the apparatus.) Ion theory states that ion momentum transfer would work in a shielded condition because it only requires a volume of gas to be accelerated between the grids to produce the force. However, Coulomb theory states that the capacitor force will only occur when an external electric field is present. Thus the capacitor motion is dependent upon the electric field of the earth and the charge on the capacitor. The results from these additional experiments were indeed conclusive. The ion model continued to exhibit the force characteristics observed earlier, while the capacitors did not exhibit motion of any kind. This strongly indicates that ion momentum was not the prime cause of the observed effects for the capacitors."

A force is produced when single and parallel plate capacitors are charged to high voltages. This force was observed to consistently reduce the weight of the charged capacitors. For parallel plate capacitors, the effect is proportional to the amount of energy stored in the capacitors. The force is associated with the interaction of fields, primarily the electric component, as demonstrated by the experiments performed in the Faraday cage. It seems to be a force caused by the electric field of the earth, although it is irrespective of polarity of charge on the capacitor (the plate adjacent).

Results indicate a system directly dependent upon potential energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor for the creation of a vertical force. The force was not caused by any induction charges from the earth or measurement apparatus. Additionally, electrostatic image charges proved ineffective in explaining the force. The forces created by the capacitors and ion grid were comparable in magnitude. The difference arose between the direction of movement of the capacitors and ion grid. The ion grid could be made to move in any particular direction, which was directly caused by the change of polarity and orientation; the capacitors were not.
The force exerted on the capacitors was consistently repulsion from the earth whereas the ion grid always moved towards the emitter. These results clearly seem to indicate that ion momentum transfer is not wholly responsible for the movement of high voltage capacitors. The effect could not be explained on the basis of Coulomb’s Law or current electromagnetic theory. There is direct experimental evidence of an energy relation. This relationship strongly indicates that the phenomenon observed is controllable to some extent as well as being a nonrandom event. The energy relation found in the experimental results is quite simple. Thus the experiments do have a simple mathematical base supporting the observed effects, which will prove extremely beneficial for future reference. As to the original problem regarding this phenomenon, we can conclude that current electromagnetic laws cannot effectively account for the movement and the force is not characteristic of normal electrostatic effects. The exact nature of the force cannot yet be explained. More experiments must be performed to provide more concrete evidence into the nature of the force. However, the force has been shown to be reproducible and follow an energy relationship.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"The types of forces operating among amino acid side groups within a protein include charged interactions such as ionic forces and hydrogen bonds, as well as interactions between dipoles—separated charges in electrically neutral groups.
Dipole-dipole interactions are known as van der Waals forces and include three types:
• Permanent dipole - permanent dipole
• Permanent dipole - induced dipole
• Induced dipole - induced dipole Type 3 induced dipole - induced dipole interactions are the weakest but most purely non-polar.
They are known as London dispersion forces, and although quite delicate (40 times weaker than hydrogen bonds) are numerous and influential. The London force attraction between any two atoms is usually less than a few kiloJoules, however thousands occur in each protein. As other forces cancel out, London forces in hydrophobic pockets can govern protein conformational states. London forces ensue from the fact that atoms and molecules which are electrically neutral and spherically symmetrical nevertheless have instantaneous electric dipoles due to asymmetry in their electron distribution. The electric field from each fluctuating dipole couples to others in electron clouds of adjacent non-polar amino acid side groups. "

Due to inherent uncertainty in electron localization, London forces are quantum effects which may couple to "zero point fluctuations" of the quantum vacuum 37,38. 


"The mind is part of the consciousness which exists in the brain, as the electric/kinetic interface to the complete consciousness, which exists in the "kinetic field" outside the body as well." - Brant

The mind can be thought of as structured kinetic energy that exists in "kinetic energy" land, the field.
When you are born somehow this structured energy is attached to the matter brain structure.

I believe the brain is structured in such away way as to match the structure in the kinetic energy. This allows the structure kinetic energy to modulate the phase space between London Paired electrons. This modulation shows up as the EEG.

Think about how a computer memory works with refresh cycles to keep the RAM charged. The EEG are the refresh cycles in a dynamic neuron environment. With the consciousness existing as a primary entity embedded in a matter secondary entity the Free will problem becomes another level removed to the kinetic energy level. You still have the issue of what consciousness really is but now you have uncovered another layer to the universe.

I predict that when they find the source of the quantum vibrations on the matter side they will find that the source of the vibrations is the "field". The field is the source of the massless kinetic energy the causes minute changes in the distance between electrons.

"A hydrophobic pocket in tubulin develops electron resonance rings in the pocket. Single electrons in each ring repel each other, as the net dipole moment of their electron cloud flips under external London force oscillations."

I would surmise that you need (at least)2 coupled electrons to be able to see that phase difference between 2 waves.
My hypothesis is that the Microtubule quantum vibrations from the varying oscillation of the paired electrons actually modulates the neural net impulses producing the conscious movements like picking up a glass of water from a thought. This modulation occurs because of structured kinetic energy....
This is how massless structured kinetic energy controls matter, by modulating the phase space between matter particles. Since this is looking from the other direction, the the matter universe is subservient to the kinetic universe, the problems of free will doesnt arise except in the strictest sense of following consciousness no matter where it exists in the universe.

"Hameroff describes the free will problem in his 2012 article "How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will,"
"Conscious “free will” is problematic because (1) brain mechanisms causing consciousness are unknown, (2) measurable brain activity correlating with conscious perception apparently occurs too late for real-time conscious response, consciousness thus being considered “epiphenomenal illusion,” and (3) determinism, i.e., our actions and the world around us seem algorithmic and inevitable.
The Penrose–Hameroff theory of “orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR)” identifies discrete conscious moments with quantum computations in microtubules inside brain neurons, e.g., 40/s in concert with gamma synchrony EEG. Microtubules organize neuronal interiors and regulate synapses. In Orch OR, microtubule quantum computations occur in integration phases in dendrites and cell bodies of integrate-and-fire brain neurons connected and synchronized by gap junctions, allowing entanglement of microtubules among many neurons. Quantum computations in entangled microtubules terminate by Penrose “objective reduction (OR),” a proposal for quantum state reduction and conscious moments linked to fundamental spacetime geometry. Each OR reduction selects microtubule states which can trigger axonal firings, and control behavior. The quantum computations are “orchestrated” by synaptic inputs and memory (thus “Orch OR”).
If correct, Orch OR can account for conscious causal agency, resolving problem 1. Regarding problem 2, Orch OR can cause temporal non-locality, sending quantum information backward in classical time, enabling conscious control of behavior. Three lines of evidence for brain backward time effects are presented. Regarding problem 3, Penrose OR (and Orch OR) invokes non-computable influences from information embedded in spacetime geometry, potentially avoiding algorithmic determinism. In summary, Orch OR can account for real-time conscious causal agency, avoiding the need for consciousness to be seen as epiphenomenal illusion. Orch OR can rescue conscious free will.
("How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will," Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience,
2012, October 12.)

My assumption it that consciousness has always existed just like the universe.
Alien Interview

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I'm going to try to explain paranormal in terms of my kinetic energy hypothesis.
If they hypothesis is good it will start to explain more and more phenomena that we observe. If its really good the maybe a few predictions will drop out.

In terms of this universe physics, we separate kinetic energy from matter. We posit that there is another universe or dimension that is made of kinetic energy or where kinetic energy people exist.

This also introduces the concept of massless energy which could be information or and electric field.
A previously undiscovered dimension could exist in the phase waves of the universe......

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Everything in this universe is a process that requires the energy of motion to see it through to the end.

So lets make a leap here and say that consciousness is pure kinetic energy. You can go to my post where I explain how thoughts move an orange.

To be continued...

Monday, March 2, 2015

I think part of the problem in the treatment of work is hierarchy.
With the correct hierarchy you break the circle.

Work done is the quantity of energy transferred and is typically fd = W which I believe to be incorrect.
It requires energy to create a force.
Energy can be transferred whether there is acceleration or not.
Gravity is a stationary force that does work(transfers energy even though there is not physical acceleration ie standing on the ground). The force doesnt go away as soon as you step onto the ground.
Every single energetic transaction can be expressed in terms of kinetic energy.
Should it be F = KE*ftlbs? And work should be W = KE*time. KE being kinetic energy.

To turn a fan attached to an electric motor requires the transfer of motion from the generator to the motor.
The energy of motion is kinetic energy. It is not kinetic force. W is not a transfer of F=ma.
A force can be stationary, motion is not.

I think the collage text book is inconsistent in its treatment of work - biological vs mechanical..
