Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"The types of forces operating among amino acid side groups within a protein include charged interactions such as ionic forces and hydrogen bonds, as well as interactions between dipoles—separated charges in electrically neutral groups.
Dipole-dipole interactions are known as van der Waals forces and include three types:
• Permanent dipole - permanent dipole
• Permanent dipole - induced dipole
• Induced dipole - induced dipole Type 3 induced dipole - induced dipole interactions are the weakest but most purely non-polar.
They are known as London dispersion forces, and although quite delicate (40 times weaker than hydrogen bonds) are numerous and influential. The London force attraction between any two atoms is usually less than a few kiloJoules, however thousands occur in each protein. As other forces cancel out, London forces in hydrophobic pockets can govern protein conformational states. London forces ensue from the fact that atoms and molecules which are electrically neutral and spherically symmetrical nevertheless have instantaneous electric dipoles due to asymmetry in their electron distribution. The electric field from each fluctuating dipole couples to others in electron clouds of adjacent non-polar amino acid side groups. "

Due to inherent uncertainty in electron localization, London forces are quantum effects which may couple to "zero point fluctuations" of the quantum vacuum 37,38. 

SEARCH FOR QUANTUM AND CLASSICAL MODES OF INFORMATION PROCESSING IN MICROTUBULES: IMPLICATIONS FOR “THE LIVING STATE” STUART HAMEROFF Department of Anesthesiology University of Arizona Health Sciences Center Tucson, Arizona 85724 E-mail: hameroff@u.arizona.edu


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