Friday, March 13, 2015

Is this a lab example of the force that is responsible for the solar wind?

I think I am going to just paste some stuff from the article but I think this all points to a release of kinetic energy in that particular configuration. You could probably model the solar surface just like the ion grid devices....

"5.5 Faraday Cage One further experiment, which was performed, involved placing the entire apparatus (ionic grid and capacitors) inside a Faraday cage thus shielding it from the earth’s electric field. The Faraday cage was made of solid galvanized sheet steel. (The cage was constructed of a magnetic permeable material, therefore the earth’s magnetic field could interact with the apparatus.) Ion theory states that ion momentum transfer would work in a shielded condition because it only requires a volume of gas to be accelerated between the grids to produce the force. However, Coulomb theory states that the capacitor force will only occur when an external electric field is present. Thus the capacitor motion is dependent upon the electric field of the earth and the charge on the capacitor. The results from these additional experiments were indeed conclusive. The ion model continued to exhibit the force characteristics observed earlier, while the capacitors did not exhibit motion of any kind. This strongly indicates that ion momentum was not the prime cause of the observed effects for the capacitors."

A force is produced when single and parallel plate capacitors are charged to high voltages. This force was observed to consistently reduce the weight of the charged capacitors. For parallel plate capacitors, the effect is proportional to the amount of energy stored in the capacitors. The force is associated with the interaction of fields, primarily the electric component, as demonstrated by the experiments performed in the Faraday cage. It seems to be a force caused by the electric field of the earth, although it is irrespective of polarity of charge on the capacitor (the plate adjacent).

Results indicate a system directly dependent upon potential energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor for the creation of a vertical force. The force was not caused by any induction charges from the earth or measurement apparatus. Additionally, electrostatic image charges proved ineffective in explaining the force. The forces created by the capacitors and ion grid were comparable in magnitude. The difference arose between the direction of movement of the capacitors and ion grid. The ion grid could be made to move in any particular direction, which was directly caused by the change of polarity and orientation; the capacitors were not.
The force exerted on the capacitors was consistently repulsion from the earth whereas the ion grid always moved towards the emitter. These results clearly seem to indicate that ion momentum transfer is not wholly responsible for the movement of high voltage capacitors. The effect could not be explained on the basis of Coulomb’s Law or current electromagnetic theory. There is direct experimental evidence of an energy relation. This relationship strongly indicates that the phenomenon observed is controllable to some extent as well as being a nonrandom event. The energy relation found in the experimental results is quite simple. Thus the experiments do have a simple mathematical base supporting the observed effects, which will prove extremely beneficial for future reference. As to the original problem regarding this phenomenon, we can conclude that current electromagnetic laws cannot effectively account for the movement and the force is not characteristic of normal electrostatic effects. The exact nature of the force cannot yet be explained. More experiments must be performed to provide more concrete evidence into the nature of the force. However, the force has been shown to be reproducible and follow an energy relationship.

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