Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thought of the day.

I was thinking about as I took a shower. I do some my best thinking in the shower because I believe that water is energetically connected to the universe through VRILL... 

As I am riding my Hobby Horse around I see that there is more energy in "kinetic 
energy" than there is mass in the universe. 

If you accelerate a particle to twice its mass at less than 1/2 light speed, if 
the relationship is linear then that holds true. If the relationship is 
exponential then there is way more kinetic energy than mass....

There must be a reservoir of energy big enough to support enough kinetic energy for all of the particles in the universe going nearly the speed of light.....

If that is wrong someone tell me, just like the rest of my thoughts.... I am open to falsification...

The thought that started this whole thing was to have variable inertia you need to 
have mass that has 0 inertia. 
This lead to where does the kinetic energy come from which lead to thinking about the field and how it imparts kinetic energy to charges which to me meant the kinetic energy came from the field./

I take no notice of you, Wal? That is simply not true. I feel as though you have 
never honestly engaged me in conversation or answered my questions to a point.
You have simply declared that this is the way it was going to be. 
That's your right since it is your group.

I have been following the EU since I found the Electric Cosmos website ~20 years 

With 150 IQ you would think that I would have learned something about physics in 
that time......

I remember fervently debating the EU on Bad Astronomy and JREF forums. I was a 
full on supporter. But I didnt know all of the EU answers so I had to research 
them myself to see if they were correct and fit the phenomena under observation 
and discussion.

Then along came this guy named Michael Mozina with this whacko claim that the 
solar surface was solid... I though he was nuts and was all for the iso dense 
model... But the more I watched TRACE satellite videos and did the research like 
read the TRACE calibration paper by Handy as well as follow HINODE etc., the more I 
was convinced that the truth was even stranger than that. That the surface of the 
sun was made of iron just like an arc cathode.

To break rules you got to know them?

One of the thing that lead me to that conclusion was understanding about blackbody 
spectrums. I had just found Pierre Marie's papers on Kirchhoff experiments 5 years ago. 
Then I started investigating what it takes to make a spectrum from lines to continuum to 
blackbody. I now understand that blackbody spectrum only comes from condensed 
matter. I cannot tell you exactly at what point in the transition from liquid to 
solid the spectrum turn from continuum to blackbody but it does. 

I have posted this many times and no one has said "that is wrong and heres why"....

I have taken enough sonoluminescence spectrum's to have seen the spectrum go from lines to continuum to blackbody. Worlds smallest blackbody... The sun is the worlds largest blackbody.....

Another was the white light flare on the solar surface. A white light flare can only come from a solid surface arc.  They have identified this signal as continuum emission emitted by white-light flares, and find that it is consistent with a blackbody emission at 

Helioseismology would also tell someone if the surface of the sun was solid. A 
bounded solid shell resonator has a different acoustic spectrum than a iso dense or 
a decreasing density plasma sphere.

I did this work because I thought I was supporting EU by doing pure science. Its 
tough when you find something that doenst agree with your model... But I dont 
have a model per se so I can explore...

My Kinetic energy work came out of researching thunderbolts... 
My Hobby Horse is the most ubiquitous thing in the universe. Motion. Momentum. 
Kinetic energy.  
Everything moves. Particles may be made of motional energy in resonance. For sure 
photons are kinetic energy. No rest mass.

I have been thinking about the concept of work/energy transfer for a long time 
sparked by other stuff that I have read. Its pretty clear that whole think is inconsistent.
Because someone asked the question "What does the EU use as a coherent explanation 
for force", I answered.

It is that work is the transfer of energy moving or not, seen or unseen.
Part of the reasoning behind this is that gravity still exerts a force even when 
the object is on the ground. That force is a transfer of kinetic energy called 
gravity. What does the gravitational energy cause the object to do? Move.

from Popular Science 1929.

"One type of lightning bolt, however does not seem to follow any of the known laws 
of electricity , and strikes where it will --- lightning rod or no lightning rod. 
Dr. N. E. Dorsey, of the National Research Council, suggests it may be a "dart" of 
electrons which unlike those of an electric spark, actually posses momentum(my 
comment -- kinetic energy) and add to their numbers as they crash earthward----- 
no less, in fact than the legendary "Thunderbolt" of ancient times. Fortunately 
such bolts are rare, if they exist at all: they remain shrouded in mystery..."
The work of Ken Shoulders and his EVO's.
When you start looking around all energetic transaction can be thought of in terms 
of kinetic energy.
Then I started thinking about how thought get turned into motions. And the 
kinetic/brain interface idea was born.  

I didnt realize the EU doesnt believe in entanglement.... To me its just 
shared kinetic energy between to photons. And since its massless, communication 
can be instant..

These men are brilliant not because they use word like entanglement, but because 
they have done a remarkable job of elucidating where they are stuck. Its not 
really a quantum computer, they just use that term to indicate the there are brain 
structures that can change state. My contribution is that the London paired 
electrons change state by modulation of the wave phase between them. Modulation of 
the wave phase gets it information from the field.

Which lead to understanding how information is stored in a field just outside the 
bodies skin better known as the aura..

Did you even read my mechanism for brain to field communication?? Nobody has put 
down the ideas like that before. 

Its new because nobody thinks about massless energy....

Now I am going to get all esoteric. Structured kinetic energy remotely 
deployed explains crop circles. Poltergeist is kinetic energy. As well as the 
effects in the Scole Investigations.
Telepathy, levitation, telekinesis, ghosts, etc are examples of structured kinetic 

I listed many things that do not have mass that perform work(transfer energy). 

That would be the milestone for the existence of some thing I would think.
Why do you think I came up with kinetic energy being separable from mass. 
Because the whole system leaves a little to be desired... 
There is no mechanism in EU to explain psychic effects, levitation, Ruperts field, UFO, Biefiel Brown. 

This came from researching for EU.

My comet observations that I never finished.
I found that comet not only light up with a distance dependency from the sun but 
also as they cross certain features in the solar system. As well as when they get 
near Jupiter.
I identified the X factor in the comet scientists work as the light curves 
changing peak not with perihelion but with the crossing of the current sheet. In 
other words comets are not at their brightest at perihelion if perihelion does 
not line up with the crossing of the current sheet. At the crossing of the current 
sheet they are brightest.

All for EU.

Do you see a pattern here? What EU doesnt provide I had to get it myself and it 
has lead me to places to dont seem to be approved by EU.

I still love the idea of EU but at this point I am thinking twice about an endowment... Sorry..


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